Saturday, March 25, 2006


Yay! More pictures! This week, my friend Haruka (a girl I met in my branch) offered to teach a small caligraphy class to a few of the gaijin here -- which was really cool and generous of her. She laughed at our first few attempts at kanji -- I think for the most part, my sheets are at about a first-grader's level, but I think I got a little better. This my version of the kanji for 'princess.'

And a few of our practice sheets...we were trying to write eternal families on these ones, but ran out of room and ended up writing 'eternal house.'

Here I am with Kira, Mao and Caroline, just after our camping trip at a park where everyone was playing with huge bouncy balls that are just free and available for anyone to play with!

And, of course, karaoke. This is actually my third time singing karaoke, and I have plans to go again next week with Haruka -- here's Amberlyn and Tada, and me and Kenji, supposedly on a "date," although, it wasn't what I would really consider a date...

I have been so lucky, though, to meet so many cool Japanese people. Japan definitely gets my vote.

PS. In other exciting news, I have been

accepted to three (3) grad schools and counting (!!!) (Lucky!)


At March 27, 2006 5:22 AM, Blogger booboo said...

CONGRATULAIONS!! I am soo proud of you. YOu better get on that evil hot sexiness Brady Quinn when you go to Notre Dame. I love you!! Good luck with the rest of your schools.


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