Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Dammit, I hate blogger. I just lost all of the beautiful text I had posted with the pictures. ARGH!

So now you're getting the abbreviated version: first: Paper cranes at the Children's Peace Memorial in honor of Sadako (see the story here) second: the A-Bomb Dome, the shell of a civic building preserved in the condition it was found in after the bomb was dropped almost directly over it.
third: Miyajima's famous shrine, Itsukushima-Jinja, the floating torii here is one of the most photographed places in Japan...

fourth: do not feed the 500 resident deer in Miyajima. They will try to eat you regardless. They are fearless, purse-snatching garbage disposal-esque eaters of everything in sight. And sort of cute, too.

Monkeys! Monkeys everywhere, along with signs that warn visitors not to look the little poop-dispensers directly in the eyes. I wonder how many tourists have been injured in monkey attacks. Well, enough to post three or four signs...

And the five-storied pagoda of my dreams, complete with sakura (cherry blossoms)!

As my friend, Meme says, 'outside starts spring.'


At April 04, 2006 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kristen is evil hot sexiness.

At April 04, 2006 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of dropping big phatty bombs...
oh wait, no, nope, nuh-uh, not p.c. but i still can't believe that this is the first time that i have been able to access your spot of blog!!! <--- chk chk chk. oh and you should check out metric, they are sooooooo good! (musical band that makes good music and the like)
i am moving to the last frontier/seward's icebox for an undeterminate amount of quantifiable space/timage. i figured you might need to send me some postal gratuity and/or cheap cheap electronics at: 18936 Sarichef Loop, Eagle River, AK 99577.
i talked with emily on the telephone (!) and she said that you are a wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles. and that you got accepted to notre dame with a full ride! i am so proud of you! even though i think "the fighting irish" is a little more up my alley...
love, fist

p.s. photos are cool. japan is cool. you are cool.

At April 04, 2006 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if anyone just read that comment with the address in alaska, you DEFinitely should send mail. lots of mail. unsolicited, even. possibly something risque. photos with those "clothing optional" affectionados. gladly anything from GLAAD and/or PFLAG. chain mail, chainmail, it's all good. know any cons who would love a 14-year-old pen pal? that's the address. enjoy!

At April 05, 2006 6:30 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

does this mean that you got my letter? I hope, I hope! (!!!) will definitely check out metric -- I'm always in the mood for new music, esp. out here, where the only music on the radio is...wait, they DON"T PLAY MUSIC...it's mainly talk talk talk

I have one question for you, my fistish friend: WHY do you feel it necessary to MOVE every 2 weeks????????????????????????
Yes, that many question marks were necessary to convey the emotion with which I asked the question.

ha ha. I will go and fight with the irish.

PS. If you did get my letter, that means it's YOUR turn to write back...

At April 07, 2006 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have yet to receive this "letter" of which you speak. i hope it is the letter "k" because "k" is for "kites." and i like kites a lot.

in fact, kites are an excellent metaphor phor my lack of stasis and address.
kites are cheap cheap cheap and nylon and triangular. sometimes they are pink and triangular. sometimes they are boxy. sometimes they are made of newspaper and sticks. but they always catch the wind and soar to great heights. well, when there is wind. if there isn't wind, then they crash.
kites usually have someone to hang on to them, via a string and a manual winding apparatus. this someone helps anchor them and give them direction as well as altitude.
when no one hangs on to them, they drift away and usually crash.

At April 07, 2006 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of crashing, have you seen the movie "crash" ???????? it is muy excelente. or tres bien. but "brokeback" should have gotten the oscar for best picture. fags.

At April 08, 2006 1:26 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

are you trying to say that you're made of plastic, and often are often pink...? yeah, that's what I thought. I'm totally bumm-ed that you haven't gotten the letter that I sent you. it's on the COOLEST stationery ever. I will be so sad. Have you moved already? Did you leave a forwarding address? I sent it at least two weeks ago...on a monday...poop.

At April 08, 2006 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm in orange county right now, visiting the wife's family. i left a forwarding address to my mommy's house in ak, so i should get it when i get up there.
we leave the o.c. in a couple of days, then we'll be on the road for about a week trekking the arctic gravel subsidiaries and scantily diving into scant hot springs.
i'll keep you posted.
i would make a blog for the expedition, but we'd be fortunate to find running water, let alone fancy shmancy doohickeys like interweb accesses.
alaska ho!

At April 09, 2006 4:24 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

oh yeah, haven't seen crash...actuallly, I haven't even heard of crash...

and, I hope hope hope that the letter gets to you in ak.

and one question, are you in the Real O.C.?


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