Friday, March 31, 2006


Check out the sky in these pictures at the beach -- so beautiful.
Classes were cancelled on Thursday for the annual Gem School Easter picnic -- however, the weather was so bad that morning that the picnic was cancelled that afternoon when the sun came out...

Above is a pic of my good friend Jonas...and Amberlyn yawning...

And here are pics of Iyadaniji -- a temple that Jonas took us to (insert jokes about someone taking me to the temple here:______________) Jonas has been in this part of Japan for longer than any of the rest of us...three years maybe? and knows all the cool local locales. I do my best to butter him up in hopes he'll let me tag along with him...I must be doing a good job, cuz Thursday he showed up at my apartment, map in hand and here's where we ended up:


At March 31, 2006 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristen, I love your writing (you are so funny) and your pictures!

So, with all your food pictures and commentary ... does that mean you're not starving in Japan? (I'm pretty sure I would be starving.)

(you know, your former DMN co-worker)

P.S. Thanks for allowing "anonymous" comments ... I could never remember my Blogger ID!

At April 01, 2006 6:00 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

Yay! Pam! I'm so glad to hear from you -- I miss you all at the DMNews! (I think of you as I over-punctuate and leave typos in my blogs :)
Hooo...I'm definitely not starving out here -- eating a lot of bizarre food, but not starving...I find that there's generally enough pseudo-American food to get by...and the local McDonalds has my order down pat -- One green salad, fried potatoes (fries), and a chocolate shake. Happiness for under 500 yen!

At April 01, 2006 9:01 PM, Blogger editorgirl said...

I just got a letter from Kapka. I told her about ND and we did a dance that looked like this:

*victory dance*

Miss you! (And is it just me, or could you find guys to escort you on the moon? Come back to P-town and teach me!)

At April 03, 2006 8:00 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

Wow, thanks for the victory dance! I'm so honored. I hope there was lots of booty-shaking involved...

and: I think it must just have been your imagination...I was lucky during those last semesters


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